Thursday, February 18, 2016

Front Pages of the World

Front Pages of the World

1. My favorite newspaper cover is "Segre" because it contains a main photograph and it is quite pretty. I like the use of color and the non-distracting font. 

2. My most favorite headline is "El consum d'aigua a les llars de Lleida baixa un 46% en 10 anys per la crisi" because it is talking about a rate of something and it is the largest headline so it is most eye-catching.

3.  On my front cover there is 5 stories and an ad. 

4. All the newspapers I have seen usually have a main photograph and a main headline with the main story. The main headline/text is usually the largest and most eye-catching.

5. Most covers don't contain a main photograph but have a large title and a lot of texts unlike "Segre". They have less colors and smaller text.

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