Friday, December 11, 2015

Study Review

Study Review

New York City Marathon
 1. Today in New York, Martin Lel of Kenya is running in  the men's division for the New York City Marathon, he is racing to support his country states Martin. On November 4, 2015 in New York, Martin Lel of Kenya raced in the New York City Marathon  and won first place. 

2.  Rules of Thirds- The Rule of Thirds is when a object or person is in one of the corners of a photograph and has room to move. 

Balancing Elements- Balancing a photograph is when the elements in a photograph end up making the photograph look balanced. 

Leading lines- a line of movement going across the photograph.

Symmetry/Patterns- repeating object or a pattern in the photograph. 

Viewpoint- Level of view your photograph is at.

Background- back of photograph, usually simple

Create Depth- create depth to show off more of the photograph 

Framing- natural framing of placement not actually frame

Cropping- simple background, eye-catching object takes up most of photograph

Mergers- bad photo, someone's body part is cut out of photograph

3.  Aperture- the amount of focus in a background. low #=more focus  high #=less focus

Shutter Speed- how fast the shutter closes. high shutter=catches photograph right away
low shutter=more blur and doesn't catch photograph right away

ISO- lighting. low ISO-use in dim/dark places
high ISO- use in lit/bright places

4.  It is acceptable to photoshop if you only edit the levels or cropping. It is unacceptable if you make the photograph unrecognizable. 

5.  Environmental-  the subject in their own environment
Self- Formal: simple, plain background, person is in nice clothing 
Informal: not plain background, casual clothing
Casual-  Subject in a casual environment, quiet background

6. Exposure- amount of light per unit area.

Depth of Field-the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.

Focal Length-The focal length of the lens is the distance between the lens and the image sensor when the subject is in focus.

7.  Early Magazine- contain a title and table of contents on front cover,  made to look like reading books

Poster Magazine- cover was mainly about the illustration on the cover, the illustration would convey a common mood or show illustration of seasons.

Married to Type- cover illustration related directly to title or cover lines, contained logos

Forest of Words- covers contained title, cover lines, and photograph, covers showed news, reality show content, fashion, music, and top trends. Subject in photograph was "surrounded by bushes" of cover lines .

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