Thursday, March 31, 2016

My First Interview

#1: When did you find out you were "Student of the Month"?
I found out two days ago.
#2: When you found out how did you feel?
I felt very honored and surprised.
#3: Who did you tell first? Why?
I told my mom first because I was very proud of myself.
#4: Why do you think you won "Student of the Month"?
I think I won because I'm awesome.
#5: Do you feel like you deserved the title, "Student of the Month"? If so, why?
Yes, because I'm awesome.
#6: Are you proud to be "Student of the Month"? Why or why not?
I am not, because this is a stupid award.
#7: Would you like to be the "Student of the Month" next year? Why or why not?
Yes, so people can bow down to me.
#8: How do you think others feel about you being "Student of the Month"?
I think they're super jealous because I'm better than all of them.
#9: How do you think your parents feel? Why?
I think they're very disappointed because they're hobos.
#10: Do you think you'll get more respect from teachers and staff because of this title? Why or why not?
I already have a lot of respect, everyone respects me.
#11: Would you treat everyone with respect after you obtained this higher power? Why or why not?
No, because I am the next Hitler.
#12: What does it take to qualify to become a "Student of the Month"?
It takes being like me, that's what it takes.
#13: How will you dress after becoming "Student of the Month"?
In a big ball gowns everyday with a big queen crown.
#14: How do you think becoming "Student of the Month" will change your daily life?
I will be praised and everyone will be my slave.
#15: Would you tell people outside of school that your the "Student of the Month"?
I would tell everyone over the local news channel.
#16: Will you work harder in school to show you obtain a strong work ethic? Why or why not?
I'll whip anyone if they're out of line.
#17: How do you think you'll be treated after finding out you became "Student of the Month"?
Everyone will treat me with tons of respect and bow down to me.
#18: When you hear "Student of the Month" what do you think of?
I think of myself because I am the only one eligible. 
#19: Do you think people recognize you as "Student of the Month"? Why or why not?
Yes, because they all bow down to me.
#20: Who told you that you were going to be "Student of the Month"?
Terah Clemmons

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