Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation

1. I think that photo manipulation is stupid, most photographers that committed photo manipulation were usually caught in the end. Photo manipulation is not good if you change the whole photo, but is good if you are just adding a touch up.

2. I think this type of photo editing is unethical and it can be an embarrassment if you were to be found out. I think that photographers should stop photo editing so much and maybe edit only brightness or saturation in a photograph even if it is their photograph.



I think this photograph is unethical because Bill Clinton and Fidel Castro meet but there was no photographer on the scene so this photograph was photo shopped to look as if there were photographers there and that they were taking photographs. I think this type of photo manipulation should be stopped because if they had done something else like two world enemies that could of caused an uproar and caused an outbreak of protest or fights and that would not be good. 


I think this photograph is least unethical just because the photographer had only changed the darkness of the photograph, unlike the photo manipulation before were they photoshopped Bill Clinton and Fidel Castro together. I think this photograph was not to heavily manipulated so I think this is the least unethical photograph. I also think this because sense it is only the darkness it is not putting anyone in trouble and does not offend anyone.

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