Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

Academic Shoot Reflection and Shoot

1. Challenges I faced when trying to take photos were bad angles, not enough interesting photos, and lighting. 

2. The thing I made sure to do or fix in all my photos was focus because, I think the key to a good photograph is it being in focus.

3. I would keep a lookout and search more for more interesting photographs. 

4. Some things I do the same is keeping the photographs mainly of one person or focusing on one person in particular.

5. The easiest rule I think to accomplish would be simplicity because you can mainly just focus on one person and keep a simple background.

6. I think one of the hardest rules to accomplish would either be rule of thirds or balance because it is a hard rule to find. 

7. I think the rule I have trouble with is Balance still because I still don't really know what that rule looks like and how to accomplish it. 

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