Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Opinions Story

Painting a New Picture
By: Callie Richards

     Art has allowed the most creative of people to express themselves in many different ways. Artists put heart and soul into their artwork. Art has started conversations based on a person's opinion and can start an uproar in social media occasionally. 
     In fashion, a creative quality is very useful and can make you more powerful as a fashion idol and earn you more fans. As a young artist, I enjoy seeing others work and hearing other artists opinions on any of my art. Art nowadays is a big thing on social media, many young artists are using social media as an outlet to show off any art pieces they have. Many Austin artists debate on certain art types on whether certain things can be considered art for example, graffiti. 
   Graffiti is seen as trashy and rebellious, many people disagree that graffiti is art and should be considered as art. I believe graffiti is its own type of art, it allows the artist to express emotion and character, many people think of it as a "hipster" or "rebel" type of art. Many supporters believe it is because it shows the person's creativeness, skill, and imagination. 
    Others also think it is because it allows a person power to have a voice and say something or show something they believe through art. Many people against graffiti believe it is vandalism and that it is rude/disrespectful to whom ever the place was vandalized. 
    Others also think it isn't art because it is vulgar and ugly to look at, they think it isn't enjoyable to look at or that it isn't really art, that it doesn't fit into the "art category". I believe art should be expressed no matter what form it may be, people should have the right to show what they have created or imagined. I think graffiti is just a different style of art, and is acceptable if it is in certain places, like if a place actually requests for it to have graffiti or a rundown/abandoned place.
   I think disrespecting a property of its "beauty" is unacceptable and is just rude, it's unasked for and rude. I think graffiti allows people to speak their mind but it should only be done in acceptable places.
Art is about expressing yourself and being you. It's about showing creativity, skill, imagination, technique, and a voice. Art should be shared with everyone, and it should be critiqued so that artist may improve them selves and become even better as a artist/person.
Express yourself may it be through a paintbrush, a pencil, or a mouth. Let all of your inner creativeness shine through and let it be "painted" into your life. 

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